Challenge Description

We found this video on social media, and suspect that it is being used to transmit some information. Can you figure out what the message is?

wired.mp4 program.hex


The video file shows an Arduino Uno connected to eight LEDs and a device labeled as a hardware RNG module. The program.hex file is an ihex file, presumably the program being run by the Arduino shown in the video.

From there, we can guess that the Arduino is somehow encoding the characters of the flag and transmitting them to the LEDs.

Simulating the Arduino

I used simavr to run the program.hex file. The board_simduino program in the examples directory of this project is effectively a simulated Arduino that can be debugged using gdb.

This writeup of an AVR challenge from a couple years ago was a really helpful reference for me, and I ended up using more or less the same setup.

To debug the program, I did the following:

  • Start gdb using avr-gdb and target the simulated Arduino with the command target remote localhost:1234.
  • Start simduino with ./simduino.elf -d. If gdb is running, it should stop the simduino program at the entry point.
  • In gdb, allow the simduino program to continue. At this point, program.hex can be uploaded to simduino using the command avrdude -p m328p -c arduino -P /tmp/simavr-uart0 -U flash:w:program.hex.

I should note that GDB doesn’t handle breakpoint addresses correctly. GDB interprets all addresses as being in data memory, so it puts breakpoints in the wrong place - for example, if you try to set a breakpoint at 0x100, GDB will put the breakpoint at 0x800100.

The workaround for this is to define all breakpoints in terms of an offset to the program counter. When I first started the program, I defined a variable $a that was equal to the program counter at that time (in my case, it was 0x7800). To set a breakpoint at 0x100, I could then use the command break *($a-0x7800+0x100).


The Arduino Uno is built on the ATmega328 processor, so it uses the AVR instruction set. This means we can disassemble the program.hex file using the command avr-objdump -m avr -d program.hex. (Ghidra also supports the AVR architecture, but it numbers the memory addresses differently from GDB, which was inconvenient. Because of this, I found the disassembly from avr-objdump easier to work with most of the time.)

   0:	0c 94 5c 00 	jmp	0xb8	;  0xb8
   4:	0c 94 79 00 	jmp	0xf2	;  0xf2
   8:	0c 94 79 00 	jmp	0xf2	;  0xf2
   c:	0c 94 79 00 	jmp	0xf2	;  0xf2
  10:	0c 94 79 00 	jmp	0xf2	;  0xf2

We can see that the program starts with a large table of jump instructions, presumably interrupt vectors. The jmp 0xb8 instruction at address 0 tells us that 0xb8 is the actual starting address of the program.

The hardware RNG module

 3e2:	90 92 7c 00 	sts	0x007C, r9	;  0x80007c
 3e6:	80 91 7a 00 	lds	r24, 0x007A	;  0x80007a
 3ea:	80 64       	ori	r24, 0x40	; 64
 3ec:	80 93 7a 00 	sts	0x007A, r24	;  0x80007a
 3f0:	80 91 7a 00 	lds	r24, 0x007A	;  0x80007a
 3f4:	86 fd       	sbrc	r24, 6
 3f6:	fc cf       	rjmp	.-8      	;  0x3f0
 3f8:	90 91 78 00 	lds	r25, 0x0078	;  0x800078
 3fc:	80 91 79 00 	lds	r24, 0x0079	;  0x800079

At address 3e2, we can see several accesses of the addresses0x78, 0x79, and 0x7a. This doesn’t seem like much at first, but a look at this include file for the ATmega328 processor reveals that these addresses are actually memory mapped to registers containing information related to the processor’s analog-to-digital converter.

In other words, when the program reads from these addresses, it’s probably actually reading from the A0 pin of the Arduino, where the RNG module is connected. The result of this read is stored in r24.

 ;load flag character into r18
 414:	29 91       	ld	r18, Y+
 416:	fe 01       	movw	r30, r28
 418:	31 97       	sbiw	r30, 0x01	; 1
 ;XOR flag with random number from A0
 41a:	28 27       	eor	r18, r24

 ;store XOR result
 41c:	20 83       	st	Z, r18

After the read from pin A0, the result is then XORed with a character of the flag.

Generating the XOR key

At first I thought each character of the flag was XORed with the same value, but it’s actually a little more complicated than that. The XOR key for each character is generated based on the key used for the previous character.

We can see that the XOR key is generated using the following steps:

 41e:	9c 01       	movw	r18, r24
 420:	21 70       	andi	r18, 0x01	; 1
 422:	33 27       	eor	r19, r19

First, the LSB of the previous XOR key is stored in r18.

 424:	b6 95       	lsr	r27
 426:	a7 95       	ror	r26
 428:	97 95       	ror	r25
 42a:	87 95       	ror	r24

Then, the previous XOR key is shifted right. This makes it look like the XOR key is stored in r27:r26:r25:r24, but only r25 and r24 are actually used. I found that it made the most sense to treat the XOR key as a 16-bit value stored in r25:r24.

 42c:	23 2b       	or	r18, r19
 42e:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	;  0x434
 430:	2d ea       	ldi	r18, 0xAD	; 173
 432:	92 27       	eor	r25, r18
 434:	ec 16       	cp	r14, r28
 436:	fd 06       	cpc	r15, r29
 438:	69 f7       	brne	.-38     	;  0x414

Finally, we check whether the LSB of the previous XOR key was 1 or 0. If it was 1, we XOR r25 (the high byte of the XOR key) with 0xAD.

I replicated this key generation function with the following Python function:

def shift_key(prev_key):
    new_key = prev_key >> 1
    if(prev_key & 1 == 1):
        new_key = new_key ^ 0xAD00
    return new_key

The LED Pinout

Now that we know how the flag is encoded in memory, we need to figure out how to interpret the values shown on the LEDs.

 470:	61 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x01	; 1
 472:	82 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x02	; 2
 474:	0e 94 7b 00 	call	0xf6	;  0xf6

I noticed that the function at 0xf6 was getting called a lot, and that it always took 2 parameters: a value between 2 and 9 in r24, and a value of either 1 or 0 in r22.

Looking at the function at 0xf6, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s happening, but it looks like the function sets or clears a single bit from a register, then stores the result somewhere. From there, I guessed that the function turns a given output pin on or off. Since there are 8 connected pins and 8 possible values passed in through r24, it’s safe to assume that r24 stores the number of the pin to be modified, and r22 stores whether the pin should be set or cleared.

At that point, I needed to figure out which pins corresponded to which LEDs. Fortunately, before the flag is transmitted, a function is called that turns on the LED for each pin in order, so we can match the pin numbers to the LEDs. (I didn’t notice that pin 9 came before pins 2 through 8 at first, leading to several very painful hours of trying to figure out why none of the values made any sense.)

The Encoded Flag

 ;bit 0
 460:	80 fe       	sbrs	r8, 0
 462:	04 c0       	rjmp	.+8      	;  0x46c
 464:	61 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x01	; 1
 466:	89 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x09	; 9
 468:	0e 94 7b 00 	call	0xf6	;  0xf6

;bit 1
 46c:	81 fc       	sbrc	r8, 1
 46e:	04 c0       	rjmp	.+8      	;  0x478
 470:	61 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x01	; 1
 472:	82 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x02	; 2
 474:	0e 94 7b 00 	call	0xf6	;  0xf6

;bit 2
 478:	82 fe       	sbrs	r8, 2
 47a:	04 c0       	rjmp	.+8      	;  0x484
 47c:	61 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x01	; 1
 47e:	83 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x03	; 3
 480:	0e 94 7b 00 	call	0xf6	;  0xf6

The actual transmission of the flag takes place in these lines. A character of the encoded flag is stored in r8, and each bit of this character determines which LEDs should be on.

However, we need to be careful: notice that some bits of the flag character are checked with the sbrs (Skip if Bit in Register Set) instruction, and others are checked with sbrc (Skip if Bit in Register Clear). An sbrs instruction followed by an rjmp instruction means that the program takes the jump if the bit being checked was 0. Similarly, sbrc followed by rjmp takes the jump if the bit being checked was 1.

Effectively, this means that sometimes a lit LED corresponds to a value of 1 and an unlit LED corresponds to a value of 0, but sometimes it’s the other way around. Bits 1,3,4, and 7 are checked with sbrc, so their LEDs are on if that bit of the flag character was 0. The others are checked with sbrs, so their LEDs are on if the bit was 1.

When recording the values from the video, I treated a lit LED as a 1 and an unlit LED as a 0, meaning that I had to negate bits 1, 3, 4, and 7 before attempting to decode the flag.

def negate_bits(bits, which_to_negate):
    new_bits = 0
    for i in range(8):
        if i in which_to_negate:
            new_bits |= (~bits & (1 << i))
            new_bits |= bits & (1 << i)
    return new_bits


At this point, we have all the information we need to decode the video. For each combination of LEDs shown in the video, we need to do the following:

  • Write the combination of LEDs as an 8-bit value, using pin 9 as the LSB and pins 2-8 for the following pins. Treat a lit LED as a 1 and an unlit LED as a 0.
  • Negate bits 1, 3, 4, and 7.
  • XOR the result with the corresponding XOR key in the sequence.

Since we know the first character of the flag is i, we have all the information we need to generate the sequence of XOR keys, since each XOR key in the sequence is uniquely determined by the previous key. By XORing i with 0b01010110, the first value shown in the video, we find that the first XOR key in the sequence is 0xa5. From there, we can calculate all subsequent keys.

The full solve script is given below:

#Negate bits from the input
def negate_bits(bits, which):
    new_bits = 0
    for i in range(8):
        if i in which:
            new_bits |= (~bits & (1 << i))
            new_bits |= bits & (1 << i)
    return new_bits

#Generate a new XOR key from the previous key
def shift_key(prev_key):
    new_key = prev_key >> 1
    if(prev_key & 1 == 1):
        new_key = new_key ^ 0xAD00
    return new_key

#Generate as many successive XOR keys as we need
def list_keys(key, num_times):
    keyList = []
    curr_key = key
    for i in range(num_times):
        curr_key = shift_key(curr_key)
    return keyList

#XOR each character of the encoded flag
#with the lower 8 bits of the corresponding XOR key
def generate_flag(init_val, flag_vals):
    s = ""
    theKeys = list_keys(init_val, len(flag_vals))
    for i in range(len(flag_vals)):
        s += chr(flag_vals[i]^(theKeys[i] & 0xff))
    return s

flag_vals = [0b01010110, 0b10101011, 0b01000111, 0b10101000, 0b11001011, 0b01111000, 0b00110101, 0b00010110, 0b10011010, 0b11000111, 0b01011001, 0b00100110, 0b10010011, 0b01001110, 0b10011100, 0b00001111, 0b11111101, 0b10000011, 0b01101101, 0b00101101]
new_flag_vals = []
for i in flag_vals: new_flag_vals.append(negate_bits(i, [1,3,4,7]))

print(generate_flag(0xa5, new_flag_vals))

This successfully prints the flag: ictf{weird_rng_912b}

Originally posted at